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A rapidly expanding, dedicated adventure activity search engine (est. 2005)
Ready to get adventurous? Find your next adventure within our Air, Land, or Water categories. It’s easy; connect with your inner adventurous self; click on that category; and check out the colour coding system: Air; Land; and Water. Whether you’re soaring through the skies, conquering rugged trails, or diving to the depths, our three adventure categories make it easy to find your daily adventure fuel.
How it Works
Having the time of your life, and sharing your experiences with others, truly is super simple.
Enter the platform
Sign up; it’s FREE, and you can download our App from the App and Play Stores.
Choose an activity
Use the search function to easily navigate our growing list of activities.
Send enquiries directly to activity owners to check their availability and confirm a booking.
Enjoy your activity and remember to rate your experience and share it with friends … #PickYourPlayground!
Connecting adventure seekers with our ever-growing list of adventure activities near you! Check out the search function on your App, or through your Profile on our website, to find your next adventure!
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Why we're unique
This platform has been built by adventurers for adventurers. We were founded in 2005, and we’ve remained true to our origins; creating a platform that we love using, and we think you will too.
We are always open to hearing your feedback. If you like something tell everyone and share our App far and wide. If not, tell us; we're always looking for ways to improve!
I highly recommend Jodi J. Appleby. She was attentive to our needs and worked tirelessly to find us the perfect home. We couldn't be happier with our new place!
Barbara D. Smith
I highly recommend Jodi J. Appleby. She was attentive to our needs and worked tirelessly to find us the perfect home. We couldn't be happier with our new place!
Barbara D. Smith
I highly recommend Jodi J. Appleby. She was attentive to our needs and worked tirelessly to find us the perfect home. We couldn't be happier with our new place!
Barbara D. Smith
I highly recommend Jodi J. Appleby. She was attentive to our needs and worked tirelessly to find us the perfect home. We couldn't be happier with our new place!
Barbara D. Smith
Africa's longest
Look What Our Customers Say!
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About Us
PickYourPlayground (est. 2005) under the Adventure Escapades brand, is an online adventure activity search engine for those who truly enjoy experiencing all the excitement life has to offer.